MTC was established in 1996 by Dr Derrick Beech and has helped over 500 companies get their products to markets in Australia and internationally.
Dr Beech created and implemented medical devices regulation in Australia as Director, Therapeutic Devices Branch, TGA (1985-1996), and has been a medical device regulatory consultant for over 15 years. Dr Beech has published and lectured extensively, both nationally and internationally, on biomaterials and on medical device regulatory policy.
Dr Beech is joined by Kathy MitrangasandBruce Gregory who each has over 25 years experience in the medical devices field, specialising in regulatory affairs, reimbursement and quality systems.
Derrick Roy Beech
BSc, MSc, PhD, CSci, CChem, FRSC
Consultant - Medical Technology, August 1996 to present
Regulatory, technical and quality systems consulting to the medical device industry
Business support to new medical device companies
Visiting Professor in Biomaterials and Medical Technology,May 1998 - July 1999 University of Sydney, College of Health Sciences
Director, Therapeutic Devices Branch, Therapeutic Goods Administration, June 1985 - August 1996 Australian Department of Health Initiated, created and directed medical device regulation in Australia
Director, Australian Dental Standards Laboratory, January 1976 - June 1985
Developed a centre of excellence in medical device and dental product technology
Lecturer in Dental Materials Science, November 1969 - January 1976 University of Manchester, UK
Academic Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, University of Manchester, UK, 1963 to 1969.
B.Sc Honours, Class 2(1), 1966.
M.Sc (1967) Research in Polymer Science, Department of Physical Chemistry
Ph.D (1969) (Science Research Council Research Student)
C.Chem Chartered Chemist (1971)
F.R.S.C Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (1981)
Assessor ISO 9000/ISO 13485 series Quality Management Systems (1997)
C.Sci Chartered Scientist (2005)
Proven and experienced manager of people and projects
Expert in medical device technology, especially bio/dental materials
Wide knowledge of Australian/international medical device regulation
Published over 60 papers in scientific journals and books, edited 2 books, founded and edited 2 news bulletins and awarded 1 Patent.
Received the Alan Docking Award of the International Association for Dental Research (ANZ Div), the most prestigious award of the Association - for outstanding contributions to science in dentistry.
Consultant and Lieutenant Colonel, Australian Army Dental Directorate and Honorary Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Dental Science, University of Melbourne.
Awarded a National Health and Medical Research Council Public Health Travelling Fellowship and 2 AusAID grants in excess of $150,000.
Initiated medical device regulation in 1985, developed and managed an effective regulatory system and set the direction to the EU system in 1996.
Member of the Editorial Board of 3 international journals and member of the Multitechnics Policy Board of Standards Australia.
Received the Richard E Greco Award, the highest honour of the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society, for 'exceptional contributions to communication, education and development for health care regulatory professionals in industry and government'.
National Manager of the Therapeutic Goods Administration for 7 months.
International reputation and recognition in medical device regulation and for research accomplishments in biomaterials. More than 200 scientific presentations.
Honourable Certificate from the Chinese National Education Committee for contributions to scientific and technological progress in conjunction with Beijing Medical University.
Chairman or member of many professional, standards and government committees.
Convened international conference 'Drug and Medical Device Regulation- Towards Global Co-operation', Sydney, 1991
Foundation Chairman, National Steering Committee, and creator of Medical Device Network (a program of AusBiotech and now called AusMedtech)